Fat & Weight Loss , Mindset , Stalling Progress , Nutrition, food, & eating

3 Mindset Shifts for Weight Loss

Author: Kevin Driscoll
February 26, 2023

The mental side of fat loss can be challenging.

That is why I recommend making these 3 mindset shifts for weight loss.


Below are three clients who have made incredible progress on their fat loss journey. A big part of their success is changing how they view and think about their approach to losing weight.




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These perspective shifts can make all the difference in taking action, getting back on track, and staying consistent.


They provide a positive outlook, allowing you to feel better, succeed, and crush your goals.


Let’s get into it.


1. Focus on Adding vs. Subtracting

A person enters a weight loss/fat loss phase*


“Time to subtract and take things out!”


No more carbs.


No more sugar.


No more fat.


No more fast food.


No more junk food.


No more netflix.


No more social events.



When we go into this fat loss phase, we often think about everything we need to stop eating and take out of our diet.


Reframe your way of thinking here.


One of the best things you can do is give yourself permission to eat the foods you want.


If you eat something on the list of foods you are demonizing, you will feel like a failure. 


After feeling like you messed up, you now say fuck it, and eat the entire carton or bag because you think you already screwed up, so what’s the point? 


Plus, when you say you can’t have a particular food, you are only going to think about that food more.


It’s like this:


Don’t think about a white elephant…


I bet you're thinking about a white elephant.


Don’t think about a naked, hairy man on a unicycle juggling bowling balls.


Yep. You’re thinking about a naked, hairy man on a unicycle juggling bowling balls.



Take that unnecessary pressure off yourself. 


Instead of thinking you must take out certain foods or things during fat loss, think about what you need to ADD more of.


More fruits.


More protein.


More vegetables. 


More water.


More fiber.


More walking.


More exercise.


Giving yourself permission to have any foods you want or to do anything you want leads to taking a lot of that added pressure on yourself.


What this will naturally do is naturally subtract foods or activities without having to think about it.


And again, all you are doing is focusing on the foods you will prioritize first vs. starting to think about the foods you have to subtract and take out.


This creates more of a positive relationship with food and can help build healthy habits and stay consistent!


What can you add this week that will take you closer to your goals?


2. Make Switches, Not Stops

Are you human?


Ok, I thought so.


So you deal with food cravings. Yes, there is nothing wrong; they are entirely normal.


Now, when these cravings become intense and come from an emotional feeling, you want to dive into this more to figure out what that underlying problem is.


It could be stress from work, a relationship, or just life in general.


Do you find yourself reaching for the cabinet for comfort after these stressful days?




Do you constantly expect yourself to stop and only return to it after a week of discipline?


Try this.


Instead of thinking about stopping, think about switching.


Switch your action with another action.


Switch your action from the short-term gratification of eating to another action to help relieve some stress.


Walking, meditating, working out, journaling, calling a friend, reading a book, getting a massage, getting your nails done, getting a facial, listening to music, listening to a podcast, seeking professional help, etc.


Every time you feel yourself wanting to make the emotional decision to eat something when you are not hungry, try switching it up with one of these actions above to help manage your emotions.


3. Focus on Your Cans vs. Cant’s

If you constantly get frustrated, anxious, or down on this fat loss journey, are you also focusing on many things that are not in your control?


“I wish I could just work out 5 x a week, like 22-year-old Influencer Issac, who doesn’t have a full-time job, a dog, and kids.”


“Why doesn’t the scale move faster?”


“Why is this taking so long?!”


This is putting your energy and focus on things out of your control.



You are focused on what other people are doing and thinking, what the scale number says, how long this will take, etc.


When it comes to making this mental shift, think about being grateful for what you have vs. what you don’t have.


Yeah, it sucks that you don’t have the same time to work out as much as Influencer Isaac. 


That is out of your control.


But what do you have time for? Let’s focus on that.


Yeah, the scale stays the same overnight, but that is out of your control what the number will say.


Choose to focus on what you can do now: keep doing what you know you need to do.


You have a choice here!


With YOUR nutrition, training, sleep, movement, reactions, people who spend time with, where you put your time and attention towards...


If you don’t think you have a choice, it’s probably because you’re focusing on the things you can’t control.


Again, can’t work out 5x this week? How about 3?


Can’t work out for 60 minutes? How about 30?


And for nutrition, I get there are social events, travel, and eating out, so not everything is in your control, but you can still choose what you order.


You can still choose what you buy at the grocery store outside of those times.


I understand there are things you can’t do, but what are the things you CAN do?


Start your shift your focus more into the things you can control versus the things you can’t control.



These 3 mindset shifts for weight loss can be big stress relievers and a more sustainable way to think for you on your journey.


If you have any questions, shoot me an email at kpd@kpd.fit or comment below!


You got this! 


- Kevin

As I Am

About Author
Kevin Driscoll

Hey there! I'm an online personal trainer and nutrition coach, and I've helped hundreds of people achieve their weight loss and fitness goals without restricting them from their favorite foods or spending overtime in the gym. Let's work together!



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