The  As I Am  Blog

Expert insights and practical tips on fitness, wellness, and holistic health.
11 Things I Wish Someone Told Me About Weight Loss
January, 17 2024 Kevin Driscoll

In the past 12 years, I have tried it all. Keto, intermittent fasting, fasted cardio, IIFYM, calorie counting, paleo, detox, 2-a-day gym sessions,...

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Holiday Momentum: Why Your 2024 Weight Loss Goals Start Now
November, 2 2023 Kevin Driscoll

As the calendar flips to November, somehow, the holiday season is already upon us! For many, it's a time of joy, celebration, and indulgence....

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3 Common Fat Loss Mistakes You're Making (And How to Fix Them)
August, 29 2023 Kevin Driscoll

Are you on a journey to shed excess body fat? Well, cheers to you for taking that step to improve your health and create a better lifestyle for...

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7 Tips to Escape the All or Nothing Mindset
July, 24 2023 Kevin Driscoll

Ah, the classic all-or-nothing mindset, a treacherous trap that many of us fall into during our health and fitness journey.

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3 Mindset Shifts for Weight Loss
February, 26 2023 Kevin Driscoll

The mental side of fat loss can be challenging.

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The Ultimate Guide for Fat Loss
January, 8 2023 Kevin Driscoll

Welcome to your Ultimate Guide for Fat Loss.This is your final stop in figuring out this whole fat and weight loss thing. I bet there is a good...

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The Importance of Self-Talk During Fat Loss
December, 18 2022 Kevin Driscoll

Let's chat about the importance of self-talk during fat loss. In the famous movie Good Will Hunting, Will (Matt Damon) is a genius early...

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