Fat & Weight Loss , Mindset

7 Tips to Escape the All or Nothing Mindset

Author: Kevin Driscoll
July 24, 2023

Ah, the classic all-or-nothing mindset, a treacherous trap that many of us fall into during our health and fitness journey.


We've all been there - you're on a mission to shed some pounds and get fitter. You’re committed to your diet and exercise routine, feeling like an absolute superhero. But then, one small slip-up and it all goes downhill. You find yourself devouring a giant bowl of ice cream with extra toppings, feeling like you've ruined all your progress. 


But fear not, my friend, for there is a way out of this cycle. In this blog, I’ll go over 7 tips on how to escape the all-or-nothing mindset and how to overcome it to thrive toward your fat loss goals!


Let’s go!


1. Embrace the Imperfections


Perfection - that elusive unicorn we all chase. But when it comes to fat loss and fitness, aiming for perfection is like trying to balance a watermelon on a toothpick. It's just not sustainable! 


Slip-ups, mistakes, and setbacks happen.


Like how Tom Brady didn’t always win his football games, yet he is still the best quarterback ever.


Or when you were a student, you didn’t always get every question right on every exam, yet that doesn't mean you failed your class.


You aren’t going to be perfect here on your fat loss journey.


Let's drop the notion of perfect eating and adopt a more realistic, sustainable approach.

Instead, aim for consistency and progress over perfection– It's not about being perfect but about being consistent with your actions and making progress with your behaviors.


How can you be spec better than yesterday? Last week? Last month?


2. Think 80/20

We all love a good game of numbers, right? So, let's talk about being 80/20. 


The concept is simple yet powerful:


Be 80% consistent with your habits and actions.


This may look something like this:


  • Hitting 12-13 out of 16 workouts for the month
  • Being on track 24 out of 30 days with your nutrition
  • Getting in 16-17  out of 21 meals with protein and fruits or vegetables each meal this week.

This 80/20 rule helps so you won't feel deprived, and your taste buds will still get their fair share of excitement.


Track the consistency of your habits and see if you can get to be at least 80% consistent!


3. The "Workout" Dilemma

I get it; working out can be tough, especially when lacking motivation.


Know this; motivation is not something to rely on. It comes and goes. So when you have it, awesome– use it to your advantage.


But when it’s not there, start doing something over nothing.


Can't get in a 60-minute workout? Get a 30-minute workout.


Dragging after a long work day and feel like doing absolutely nothing? Go on a walk instead.


You don't have to run a marathon or lift weights like a pro, but go do something.


An imperfect something will always be better than a perfect nothing.


4. The Power of Small Changes

Let's face it; drastic changes are hard to stick with (and again, unsustainable). 


Instead of overhauling your entire lifestyle overnight, focus on making one small change at a time. 


  • Increase your water intake.
  • Start adding more protein, fruits, and veggies to your diet.
  • Increase your activity by walking for 10 minutes every morning.

These seemingly tiny adjustments can make a big difference in the long run and won't leave you feeling overwhelmed. 


5. Celebrate Non-Scale Victories

The freaking scale! That dreaded thing we step on every morning, praying for it to show a lower number. But guess what? The scale isn't the be-all and end-all of your progress. 


Weight fluctuates for various reasons (read THIS BLOG to learn more), and it's just one small piece of the puzzle. 


Find other areas of progress.


Have you noticed your pants fit better? Can you now run up the stairs without feeling like you're about to collapse?  Have you been consistent with your meal prep?


Life is too short to be ruled by a single number.


Make sure you celebrate these non-scale victories because they show just as much (if not more) progress you're making on your fat loss journey.


6. The Art of Taking Breaks

Breaks work in many ways—short breaks, long breaks, breaks as big as your head.



I know you love your treats (me too!), and depriving yourself of them can lead to serious dessert fantasies.


Here's a secret: take a break. Breaks aren’t your enemy and won't “delay” your progress; they're your ally and will help with long-term sustainability! 


Plan breaks for a week, a day, or even just a meal. Enjoy some of your favorite foods guilt-free. This way, you won't feel like you're missing out on life's pleasures, and you'll approach your other meals without feeling like you are constantly restricting yourself.


7. Put Together Your Accountability Squad

Accountability is crucial during any fat loss and fitness journey, but it doesn't have to be a rigid, joyless process. Instead, make it fun and enjoyable! 


Find an accountability partner, a support group, or a coach to help out. 


Not only do they provide you with some much-needed motivation, but they also make the whole experience much more enjoyable. 


Send your accountability partner some feedback on how you are doing. Maybe send them a ridiculous, sexy selfie after your killer workout or even a hilarious meme to have fun during this challenging journey. 




And for the days you fall off, reach out to them to have that accountability to help you get back on track sooner rather than later!



Breaking free from the all-or-nothing mindset in your fat loss journey is a liberating experience. Remember, life is too short to be burdened by unrealistic expectations and self-imposed restrictions.


Embrace imperfections, think 80/20, make one small change at a time, take breaks, find joy in the company of an accountability buddy, and celebrate ALL your victories - big or small. 


You've got this, and don't forget to enjoy the ride!


- Kevin

As I Am

About Author
Kevin Driscoll

Hey there! I'm an online personal trainer and nutrition coach, and I've helped hundreds of people achieve their weight loss and fitness goals without restricting them from their favorite foods or spending overtime in the gym. Let's work together!



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