The  As I Am  Blog

Expert insights and practical tips on fitness, wellness, and holistic health.
11 Things I Wish Someone Told Me About Weight Loss
January, 17 2024 Kevin Driscoll

In the past 12 years, I have tried it all. Keto, intermittent fasting, fasted cardio, IIFYM, calorie counting, paleo, detox, 2-a-day gym sessions,...

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Have Your Candy & Eat It Too: Weight Loss Tips for Halloween
October, 26 2023 Kevin Driscoll

The spook-tacular season of Halloween is here! 👻 For those on a weight loss journey, the thought of indulging in candy might seem like a forbidden...

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How to Make a Calorie Deficit Easier
September, 22 2023 Kevin Driscoll

Let's get this out of the way, being in a calorie deficit sucks.

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How to Stay Full in a Calorie Deficit
July, 31 2023 Kevin Driscoll

Have you been trying to lose weight while figuring out how to stay full in a calorie deficit?

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How to Increase Your Protein Intake
July, 16 2023 Kevin Driscoll

This article will provide everything you need to know about increasing your protein intake. I'll go over why protein is important (especially for...

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How to Use Calorie Cycling for Weight Loss
June, 30 2023 Kevin Driscoll

In this blog, I will cover what calorie cycling is and how to use calorie cycling for weight loss.

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The Best Meal Plan for Weight Loss
February, 21 2023 Kevin Driscoll

In this blog, I will help you create the best meal plan for weight loss.

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The Ultimate Guide for Fat Loss
January, 8 2023 Kevin Driscoll

Welcome to your Ultimate Guide for Fat Loss.This is your final stop in figuring out this whole fat and weight loss thing. I bet there is a good...

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