Fat & Weight Loss , Nutrition, food, & eating

How Many Meals to Eat a Day to Lose Weight

Author: Kevin Driscoll
February 04, 2023

Have you ever thought, “How many meals should I eat a day to lose weight?” You're not alone.

It's funny. I'm sure you know this, but doesn't the answer to this question seems to be all over the place? 


Is it 6 meals a day to keep your metabolism fired up?! 


1 meal a day to keep your body in fat-burning mode?! 


Is it 20 meals a day for whatsofuckingever reason?! 


Also, why do we think it has to be so black and white? Everyone needs to chill out.


(ok, mini side rant over)


Know this:


What Aunite Keto Karen does may be unrealistic (or unhealthy) for you.


What works for Fasting Frank may be unsustainable for you.


AND what ends up even working for you may not work for someone else.


That is why you need to figure out the best approach for YOU to live a healthy and high-quality life. 


Listen, there are principles that are non-negotiable. For example, you must be in a calorie deficit to lose weight. 


That is just science. 

this is science

But what we are trying to figure out is the method—the method that will help you achieve that principle. The method is where the world becomes your oyster. 


So you can lose weight from flexible dieting, keto, low fat, intermittent fasting, IIFYM, or Gym Tan Laundry… 


If you can sustain doing something long-term and it works for your lifestyle, that’s the best method (for you). 


So what is the answer to how many meals you should eat to lose weight?


Nailed it! 


However, many meals work best for you.


Whatever works best for your lifestyle. 


Whatever you will have the best adherence with! 



This comes from the thought that in order to stoke your metabolism and keep it high, you must eat a small meal every 2-3 hours, so about 5-6 meals in a day. This will “ideally”  keep your metabolic rate running as high as possible all day long. 


Eating does increase your metabolism; This is known as the Thermic Effect of Food (or TEF). 

Simply put, the Thermic Effect of Food is the calories you burn to digest and process the food you consume. 


Protein has the highest TEF, meaning it burns more calories to digest than carbs and fats (which is why it can be a benefit to eat a sufficient amount of protein during a weight loss phase). 

As I covered in this article, The One with Your Ultimate Guide for Fat Loss, we know you must be in a calorie deficit to lose weight.


You need to consistently burn more calories than you eat (or vice versa, eat fewer calories than you burn - tomato tomahto), and you will lose weight. 


So, to round this out, whether it is 1 meal, 6 meals, or 20 meals, as long as you are in that calorie deficit, weight loss will happen. 


make sense


Assuming you have an overall balanced diet, no matter how many times you eat a day, the calories you burn from your TEF will be the same amount at the end of the day. 


If you eat 2 significantly bigger meals, your metabolism will be higher in those moments as it has more work to break down and digest your food. 


If you eat 6 smaller meals but eat them more often, your metabolism won’t increase as much each meal but will increase more often. 


So if you eat 2 meals a day, you will burn more calories per meal, but if you eat 6 smaller meals, you won’t be burning as many calories per meal; you will just be burning them more frequently.


Over the course of the entire day, as long as your calories are consistent, your metabolic rate will be the same whether you have 2 meals day or 6 meals a day. 


i get it


This is truly going to be a personal preference. 


Seriously, look at your day-to-day. What makes sense for you? 


Do you not hungry in the mornings? 


Or do you have a crazy busy morning from the moment you wake up? Maybe you must get ready for work, get the kids ready for school, get them on the bus, drive to the office, and start your work day with meetings. 


Having 2 meals a day, where incorporating intermittent fasting (skipping breakfast), maybe your best bet to keep it simple and more accessible for you. 


Or you may struggle with hunger during weight loss. 


Since you are in a calorie deficit to try and lose weight, hunger will happen. This is normal. But having some meals more often may be what works best for you. Mainly so you don’t come home after work, Joey Tribionni style leaves ready to clean out the fridge and cabinets. 



Side note: I have found more clients do have an easier time managing hunger with having 3 meals a day (breakfast, lunch, and dinner). 



The last thing I want to add to this topic, “how many meals to eat to lose weight,” is meal timing. 


I recommend having a consistent meal time for however many meals you decide to have each day. 


Like a circadian rhythm, when you go to sleep and wake up at the same time each day, your body will start to set its internal clock. For example, if you go to bed at 10 pm every night and wake up at 6 am every morning, your body will naturally start to unwind around 10 pm and naturally wake up at around 6 am without any alarms or things like that. 


For hunger, when you set a consistent meal time each day, your body will naturally send hunger cues. This can help in planning your meals and again help you manage your hunger, so you can assume when you will need to eat.


So however many meals you eat each day, aim to have them at similar times for each day, too! 




do whatever


When it comes down to it, your meal frequency is your preference and should work for your lifestyle. No need to listen to Auntie Keto Karen or Fasting Fred because, as you will realize, these approaches for fitness thing are not a one size fits all. It’s about finding the goldilocks approach that works just right for you to be consistent, make progress, and live happily (and healthily) ever after.




- Kevin 


As I Am

About Author
Kevin Driscoll

Hey there! I'm an online personal trainer and nutrition coach, and I've helped hundreds of people achieve their weight loss and fitness goals without restricting them from their favorite foods or spending overtime in the gym. Let's work together!



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