Fat & Weight Loss , Football Season

5 Tips On How to Lose Weight This Football Season

Author: Kevin Driscoll
September 04, 2023

Football season is here!


I know it’s sad our favorite football star Tom Brady won’t be back this year, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy all the excitement, camaraderie, and game-day fun.



Now, if you are currently trying to lose weight, this time of year can pose some challenges. The combination of tempting snacks and game-day gatherings can make it difficult to stay on track with your habits and routine. 


But fear not! 


I've got 5 tips to stay on track with your weight loss goals this football season.


These will help you make mindful choices and allow you to enjoy football season, without feeling like you are derailing your weight loss progress. 


Tip #1: Plan Ahead:

Be proactive, not reactive.



Game-day snacks are practically a tradition, but they can often consist of high-calorie options that can quickly throw your weight loss efforts off course. 


Ask yourself, “What’s the goal for the day?”


Is it to be more flexible and enjoy yourself, or to stay on track and hit your targets for the day?


There is no wrong answer.


You need to determine what goal you are looking to set and make sure you line up with your expectations.


If your goal is to stay on track, the key here is to plan ahead. Instead of relying on whatever is available, prepare a selection of snacks that satisfy your cravings without sabotaging your goals. Opt for options like vegetable platters, baked chicken wings, popcorn, or fruit salad. 


And make sure you go read my blog on Why to Eat Greek Yogurt for Fat Loss for more high protein, lower calorie snack ideas!


Or you can work backward for the day.


This is great if you plan to go out to dinner, for drinks, or out for the game.


What you are going to do is plan to save about 40-60% of your calories for game time. Before the game, cut back to save room for the calories you plan to consume.


I would recommend focusing on prioritizing leaner proteins, fruits, and vegetables to help get nutrients ahead of time. Also, they will be a great bang for your back, meaning you can have a higher volume of food for fewer calories, helping fill you up.


Having these plans readily available can help you make choices to stay on track for the week!


Tip #2: Practice Portion Control:

Portion control is an important aspect of managing your calorie intake, especially during football season when the snack table of food can be overwhelming. 



Rather than mindlessly munching throughout the game, serve yourself appropriate portions and take your time while enjoying each bite. 


Using smaller plates and bowls can also create this illusion of a fuller plate, making you feel more satisfied with less food. 


Or following the one-plate rule is a huge help if you eat at a football party.


Here’s how it works: You can have what you want, but make sure it fits comfortably on ONE plate. Make a quarter of your plate a protein option, half of your plate veggies or fruit, and the last quarter whatever else you want.


By being mindful of your portions and using these strategies, you can manage things and become more mindful to help you stay on track!


Tip #3: Stay Active, Even on Game Day:

One of the challenges of football season is that it can disrupt your movement for the day. 



While it's tempting to skip workouts and melt into the couch in favor of watching your team play, finding ways to stay active can make a positive impact on maintaining and continuing your weight loss goals. 


Consider incorporating some activity into your game-day routine. You could simply focus on taking a walk before the game starts, during half-time or commercial breaks, and/or after the game.


Tip #4: Choose Your Indulgences Wisely:

If it sounds unrealistic to think that you'll completely avoid indulgent foods during the entire football season, you’re right!



Instead of depriving yourself, practice moderation and make conscious choices about what treats are truly worth it. 


Like I said if it’s a game you want to be more flexible to enjoy more calories, go for it. 


There is no wrong answer on how you want to go about your nutrition while watching the game, but you need to determine what goal you are looking to set and just make sure you line up with your expectations.


Maybe it’s just about being more selective about which indulgences you'll pass up and take on. By being intentional with your choices, you can find a balance and harmony this football season with your food choices that allow you to enjoy occasional treats, yet still keep you on track towards your weight loss goals.


Tip #5: Avoid Drinking Your Calories & Watch Your Alcohol Intake

Drinking your calories can make weight loss a challenge. 


Drinking a Starbucks Grande Caramel Frappuccino at 420 calories, 2 Coca Colas for 300 calories, or a couple of cocktails for 500+ calories will add up quick, without filling you up. Drinking your calories will give you less room to physically eat your calories, that will help with hunger management.


Even drinks that are marketed as “healthy” still can be full of 300+ calories without having that much to drink.


I’m not saying you can’t drink your calories and lose weight, but it may challenge your hunger and be hard to stay full while in a calorie deficit.


If you want to learn how you can stay full while losing weight, make sure you read my blog How to Stay Full in a Calorie Deficit.


Now, let’s chat about alcohol more specifically real quick.


First let me say, you can still lose weight and drink alcohol.


I am not telling you to completely cut out alcohol, but I would recommend watching your overall alcohol intake.


For the same reason above, it's not going to be a great bang-for-your-buck.


Again, these calories add up and don’t help with managing hunger.


And not only that, what else happens when you have a couple of cocktails?


Yup, you find yourself dancing on top of the bar with your shirt off with a drink in one hand and a slice of pizza in the other.


No, that's not you; just me?



Well, anyways…


Alcohol leads to getting a case of the “f*ck it.’


The “f*ck its” are when you have a couple of drinks, loosen up a bit to either continue drinking more and ordering one of everything off the menu.


Again, I'm not saying you can’t drink alcohol.


I am just saying if you enjoy some drinks during the game, just be cautious and mindful as you drink.


It may be a good idea to get a majority of your fluid intake from water, sparkling water, seltzer water, coffee, diet sodas, low calorie ice tea, or Gatorade 0 or Powerade 0.


AND if you do decide on drinking some alcohol, aim for lower calorie drinks like seltzers, light beer, and spirits mixed with soda water (like a vodka soda).




The excitement of football season doesn't have to throw your weight loss goals off track. Keep these 5 tips in mind, you can enjoy the game-day fun without compromising your progress. 


Plan ahead, practice portion control, stay active, choose indulgences wisely, and be mindful of your beverage choices can make all the difference. 


Remember, it's not about depriving yourself but finding an approach that works for you and aligns with your goals. 


Go ahead, root for your team and savor the game-day experience while staying true to your weight loss journey. Cheers to a successful and enjoyable football season ahead!



Go Pats!


- Kevin

As I Am


PS: If you are looking for some extra accountability and guidance during this football season to continue on your fat loss journey, you can head HERE. Fill out this coaching application and we can chat more!

About Author
Kevin Driscoll

Hey there! I'm an online personal trainer and nutrition coach, and I've helped hundreds of people achieve their weight loss and fitness goals without restricting them from their favorite foods or spending overtime in the gym. Let's work together!



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